Syracuse UniversityChancellor Inauguration

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Inauguration Ceremony Remarks

Hendricks Chapel, April 11, 2014

The formal installation ceremony of Chancellor Kent Syverud included greetings from student, faculty and alumni representatives, reflections by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, and remarks by Chancellor Syverud. Links to transcripts of each participant's remarks are below. Watch the inauguration ceremony video.

Chancellor Kent Syverud

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor 

Tiffany Steinwert, Dean, Hendricks Chapel

Boris Gresely '15, Student Association President

Oren Lyons '58, H'93, Faithkeeper and Chief

Suzanne Baldwin, Professor of Earth Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Renee Schine Crown, '50, H'84, Life Trustee, Syracuse University

Richard L. Thompson, Chairman, Syracuse University Board of Trustees